I Almost Am by Granger Smith LYRICS

I Almost Am by Granger Smith LYRICS

From the moment that she buckles up
She's playin' DJ in my pickup truck
She changes stations to her rock 'n' roll
And I would never think to tell her no
She leans in close and kisses on my cheek
I'm swervin' down the road
Goosebumps down to my feet

I'm just a blue jean red wing kinda guy
Gettin' better at barely gettin' by
Just a good 'ol boy I don't know why
She hangs around with me
I don't have much that I can give
But so much life I've yet to live
That takes the miracle she is to understand
She takes me by the hand and loves me for the man
I Almost Am

If I really save my pennies right
I'll buy that diamond ring she swears she doesn't like
I tell her someday soon we'll live all our dreams
And like a Sunday congregation she believes
Now I'm still not
All that I can be
But I won't stop
'Til I'm everything she needs

I'm just a blue jean red wing kinda guy
Gettin' better at barely gettin' by
Just a good 'ol boy I don't know why
She hangs around with me
I don't have much that I can give
But so much life I've yet to live
That takes the miracle she is to understand
She takes me by the hand and loves me for the man
I Almost Am

And I know someday
I'll get that house outside of town
But she reminds me always
That she don't care about that stuff
She won't forget she fell in love

With a blue jean red wing kinda guy
Gettin' better at barely gettin' by
Just a good 'ol boy I don't know why
She hangs around with me
I don't have much that I can give
But so much life I've yet to live
That takes the miracle she is to understand
She takes me by the hand and loves me for the man
I Almost Am

And I Almost Am

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