Nota Muzika - The Untittled Of Love Story Lyrics

Nota Muzika - The Untittled Of Love Story Lyrics

Two hands hold on each other...
Two legs walking together...
So do eyes, ears to see and listen...
Everything around us... But guess why only one heart...
Was given to someone else...

It's coz for someone else...
So don't wait, back in action and try hard to find....
When I saw you, afraid to meet you...
I met you, afraid to kiss you...
I kissed you, afraid to love you...

And now that I love you, afraid to lose you...
Somethings in life are unseen...
And that's why you close your eyes...
When you kiss, cry or dream...
I will always remember you in my life...

I love, I laugh, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry....
And I know you do the same things too...
So, we're really not that different...
And as we grow older together...
And as we continue to change..
But one thing will stay the same...
Me and you in love forever...

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