(梅蒂選:作曲 司徒明:作詞)
曼卡灣梭羅 月色正朦朧
無論離你多遠 總叫人顛倒魂夢
盪漾如眼波 如少女把情鍾
愛在那河畔流連 吹來陣陣薰風
星光照遍那棕林 六弦琴聲林中競奏
愛侶雙雙在河畔 情焰更熊熊。
曼卡灣梭羅 我心弦在震動
為著悠悠流水歌頌 我那曼卡灣梭羅
Solo, the Mighty River (translated in English)
The mighty river Solo, your legend this,
From ages past, you captivated the goddess Sari,
In seasons dry, your water is low,
In rainy seasons, the water overflows into the horizon.
The spring of Solo
Locked in thousands of mountains.
Its water flows intot he distance,
At last to the sea.
That boat, legend of the past,
of traders, always going
by that boat.
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