Lirik Perhitung - Brothers

Lirik Perhitung - Brothers

Peperangan yang dilalui dunia
Bagaikan tiada penghujungnya
Bila propaganda menguasai segala-galanya
Nan halusi setiap minda
Apa harus menjadi satu hala tuju baru di jalan penuh berliku
Apa kita akan bertemu dalam impian yang satu

Hari ini aku di sini lagi masih tenang dalam berillusi
Masih bertarung dengan diri
Ku melawan nafsu nafsi
Mana perlu kumelangkah?
Mana betul dan yang mana salah?
Harus hanya rasa indah sedang itu kan memusnah?

Tunggu apa ditunggu, Aku pun tidak tahu
Kini semakin lesu, Beriku petunjuk Mu
Sedar dari lamunan, Mula ternampak jalan
Kiniku dalam barisan, Kuteruskan perjuangan

Semua gerak dihitung, Tiada yang tergantung
Sedar atau tak langsung, Tiada yang melencong
Apa ini kucari, Harus merenung lagi
Cuba berkali-kali, Silap berulang lagi

A year older
Hard experience make a man bolder
A one man soldier lost and trying to stay sober
Erasing highlights of joy inside my life's folder
Trying to find peace through harder days and when the nights are colder
Alotta people never listen
Ask to keep your head up

I've held it long enough I'm getting fed-up
Flashing on the past when I led a simpler life
I'm happy with the progress
Its change that I don't like I was tearing
Sitting contemplating my carreer when
I should be on stage with a few thousand kids cheering

Turned into the heavens
And was shown the forgotten myth that
faith and love can turn a curse into gift
If you think that you've hit rock bottom think about your loved one
Your father was soldier at least you be a tough son
A tough one and when times go rough
you be the rough one
Money, power, respect will come

Aku amati satu persatu
Apa yang terjadi, apa yang berlaku
Kali ini matlamatku jitu
Sinari Impian harapanku
Telah kian lama aku mencari-cari
Di satu hari cahaya kan menyinari
Moga aku tak sendiri lagi
Dalam perjalanan untuk mencari erti

Currently the state of world.. depressing
Everywhere warring and oppression
Currency is king becoming everybody's obsession
Capitalist with animal instinct behavior
Wolves in sheep skin claiming to save you
Far from saviors only contributing to death
The magnitude of their actions
only contribute to their wealth

Word to Condoleezza Rice
These kids kind of need rice
How father and son can bomb the same city twice

I'm mad..
Watch the news at home on CNN
I'm sad..World powers do as they please where and when
It's bad..Countries Join a legion armed with nuclear bombs
The only one without a bomb most probably Saddam

Cause for alarm conspiracy theories taking lives
Ask the Almighty please guide me with the light
Cause for alarm militaries killing children in the night
Ask the Almighty please protect them with your might

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