Best Friend lyric - NEWS

くだらないコトで 盛り上がり
気がつけば朝まで 笑いあった

Kudaranai koto de modoriagari
Ki ga tsukeba asa made waraiatta

We'd get all excited over trivial things
And before we'd realise, we'd laughed till morning

大人になったはずなのに 何も変わってないね

Otona ni natta hazu na no ni nani mo kawattenai ne

We're supposed to be adults now, but nothing has changed has it

You are my Best Friend
照れくさいから ありがとうなんか言えない
特別な場所じゃないけど ずっとここにいたいんだ

You are my Best Friend
Terekusai kara arigatou nanka ienai
Tokubetsu na basho ja nai kedo zutto koko ni itai n da

You are my Best Friend
It's embarrassing so somehow I can't say "thank you"
It's no special place but I want to always be here

あの頃とは違う 姿になったね

Bokura no sodatta machinami wa
Ano goro to wa chigau sugata ni natte ne

The street that we grew up on
Has changed since those days hasn't it

めぐり来る季節超えても 君は変わらないで

Meguri kuru kisetsu koete mo kimi wa kawaranai de

Even as the seasons pass, you musn't change

You are my Best Friend
些細なことで たまにはケンカもするさ
ぶつけ合った気持ちの数だけ 分かり合える

You are my Best Friend
Sasai na koto de tama ni wa kenka mo suru sa
Butsuke atta kimochi no kazu dake wakariaeru

You are my Best Friend
We occasionally have fights over little things
We understand each other from the feelings we have each time we interact

この先も 声に出すことはないと思うけど
本当は 君といる時が1番 心が温かいよ

Kono saki mo koe ni dasu koto wa nai to omou kedo
Hontou wa kimi to iru toki ga ichiban kokoro ga atatakai yo

Even before, I don't think I've ever said it out loud
But the truth is, when I'm with you my heart feels the warmest

You are my Best Friend
照れくさいから ありがとうなんか言えない
特別な場所じゃないけど ここにいたいんだ

You are my Best Friend
Terekusai kara arigatou nanka ienai
Tokubetsu na basho ja nai kedo zutto koko ni itai n da

You are my Best Friend
It's embarrassing so somehow I can't say "thank you"
It's no special place but I want to always be here

You are my Best Friend
どんな時だって 僕たちはひとりじゃないさ
何気ない優しさをくれる 君だけに ありがとう

You are my Best Friend
Donna toki datte bokutachi wa hitori ja nai sa
Nanigenai yasashisa wo kureru kimi dake ni arigatou

You are my Best Friend
No matter the time, we're never alone
Just to the you that treats me with such casual affection: "thank you"

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